Y8 Urbanisation

CW              Date: 29th November 2017

Title: What is "Urbanisation" all about?

Entry Activity:
Study the image


1. Study the cartoon strip on pages 32 and 33. Why have towns and cities grown?

2. In no more than five cartoons, you tell the story... Use the cartoon in the book to assist you by selecting the key events. Then draw your own version and add a caption to each explaining what has happened.

3. Write definitions for the following key terms:


Market Town

Rural area

Urban area


4. Try to write a paragraph using at least three of these key terms.

CW                Date: 4th December 2017

Assessment Preparation - Life in Slums

Entry Activity:

Study the two images below.
Discuss what day to day life in such places might be like.

Agege, Lagos.                       Kibera, Nairobi





For your Autumn Term Assessment, you will be answering a question about Life in Slums and completing an online asse
ssment (Kerboodle).

Key terms:

Urban - Related to towns and cities.
Slum - A poor and run-down area in a city.
Shanty town - The name given to slums that have houses constructed by their inhabitants.
Developing country - A country at an earlier stage of development technologically and economically.
Self help - When people are helped to improve their own lives by, for example providing the materials they need to improve their homes.
Services - Things like water supply, sanitation, electricity, education etc provided to people's homes or communities.


Agege - A shanty town in Lagos a major city in Nigeria.
Kibera - A shanty town area in Nairobi the capital of Kenya.


Stage 1:
Using the images above of shanty towns in Lagos and Nairobi...
Make a spider diagram to summarise what day to day life in such places might be like (Include, the kinds of services that are probably missing and how this will impact on life there).

Stage 2:
Read through pages 44 and 45 in the textbook.

Using a different colour pen, add information from the textbook to your spider diagram (Underline things that you already added in stage 1).

Look at the strategies used for "Tackling the Slum Problem" on page 45.

In your exercise book, make notes about the three approaches and add an explanation of how you think each strategy will improve life in slums

You could organise your notes as follows:

   Strategy 1:
   What it involves:
   How it would improve people's lives:

Complete activities 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 on pp 45 of the text book.


Complete the assigned Kerboodle test - 3.7

3.7 End-of-lesson assessment

Completion deadline Tuesday 5th December!!!

CW     Date:  13th December 2017

The Growth of Manchester

Source Sheet - HERE

Today Manchester is one of the UKs major cities. Located in the ………..   …………  of England on the River ………..., its origins lie in the …………….  period around 79CE when a fort was constructed on the site. The Roman's called it Mamucium. A ………………  grew up around the fort and when the Romans left the settlement remained. By the 13th Century, Manchester had become a ……………. town

In the 14th Century, a group of Flemish ……………...  arrived in Manchester. It was the beginning of a tradition of making wool and linen ……….. . People did the spinning and weaving in their homes.

The city is close to the ……….  Sea and is able to access it by the Manchester Ship Canal and the River Mersey. This allowed the import of raw materials and ……………  its produce helping the city become rich and to grow.

Word Box

Medloc   Irish    weavers      Roman   export   cloth     North East     settlement    market     


1. Manchester became the world's top city for cotton weaving. Using the text pp 34 and 35, identify...

   a. One contributing geographical     factor and,
   b. One social factor contributing to its success.

2. Use the photographs below, write a tweet (of about 40 words) about what Manchester was like in the 19th Century.

a. What are speculators? (Glossary)
b. Why did speculators build such small houses?
c. What are slums?
d. The slums were horrible to live in. So why didnt people just leave and return to the rural areas they came from?

This section is about the urbanisation of Manchester...
a. Why did this urbanisation take place?
b. Who do you think gained most from it? Give reasons.
c. Do you think that anyone lost out completely? If yes, who?

CW            Date: 18th December 2017

Did Manchester keep Growing?

Source sheet - HERE

Entry Activity:

Complete the following...

The Continued growth of Manchester

The early growth of Manchester in the …..th and …..th centuries was typical of many of the UKs cities. In fact, this was an era of rapid ……………..  throughout the country that resulted from the movement of people from the countryside into cities.

This ……….. - … - …………... migration was caused by what are called push and pull factors. Push factors encourage people to ……... their homes and include such things as a lack of ……..., opportunity or freedom. Pull factors, on the other hand, ………... people to a place. In the case of Manchester, this would have included the chance to get paid work in the ……..  factories.

Once population had begun to grow in cities, urbanisation …………….... This is because the city populations tended to be quite young so ………  rate was relatively lower than in the countryside and birth rates were ……….. as younger people were staring families of their own. The consequence of these demographic changes was that the national population grew, but also that an increasing ………………. of the UK's population were living in ………..  areas.

Word Box

cloth   percentage    rural-to-urban    attract     higher     leave    18  urbanisation  19   work   accelerated    urban    death


1. Manchester's population, however, did not grow consistently... read 36/37 of the text to see how it changes and why...

2. Using the copy of the graph provided, copy the descriptive points about how Manchester's population has changes to annotate the graph.

3. Using pp 36 of the text, explain why the population fell between 1931 and 2001.

4. Why has its population begun to rise again?

CW                  Date: 10th January 2018


Urban Growth and Decline

Source Sheet - HERE

Entry Activity:
Copy the following:
Most cities in the UK have a history of growth and decline in size and importance similar to that of Manchester. 

Key Terms:
Migrate - To move ones home from one place to another.
Wages - Money earned through working.
Import - Bringing goods or services into the country.

(See source sheet provided HERE)

1. Study the cartoon below and use it to complete the missing word activity provided...

Manchester's wealth and attraction to people from the countryside was linked to its .......... manufacturing industry. This provided many ........ for people. However, as the UK became wealthier and ............  rose, manufacturing here became more expensive. Eventually, cloth manufacturers in other countries such as ...........  and Egypt were able to produce fabric and clothing much more cheaply prompting the rise of ...............  cloth and clothing into the UK. This cheaper production from abroad undercut British manufacturers who gradually went out of business and .............  many factories. Without jobs, people from Manchester ....................  to other parts of the UK and even abroad looking for employment. This led to the fall in the city's population from the 1930s until recently when ......................  has caused a new growth in Manchester's population.

migrated     imported    jobs      regeneration    closed     cloth    India 

2. Study the photo on page 37 of the text book... 

Explain how Manchester has been regenerated and why this has led to a growth in its population. 

Use the BUG and PEEL approach...  


...in the question...
Box the command/s
Underline the key content
Glance back over the question to check you have not missed anything...for your answer...
Point - decide on the point you intend to make and write it first.
Explanation - explain and elaborate the point you have made.
Evidence - support the explanation/s with evidence (or reasoned argument).
Link - finish by making a statement that links back to the question.

3. Explain what the term "regeneration" means. 

4. Has it been successful in Manchester? How do you know?

CW       Date:   15th January 2018

Review Q 3 and 4 from last lesson:

3. Explain what the term "regeneration" means. 
4. Has it been successful in Manchester? How do you know?

Why do people move to Urban Areas?

Entry Task:
Study the cartoon below... how does it explain people's motivation to migrate?

Can you suggest things that might exemplify PUSH and PULL factors? (Use your learning about Manchester to help you)

Key Terms:
Push Factors - Various factors that encourage people to leave their home e.g. lack of jobs, persecution.
Pull Factors - Factors that encourage people to move into a place e.g. job opportunities, good services, modernity.

1. Complete task 2 on page 41 of the textbook.

2. Do you think more people migrate to cities today in richer or poorer countries... research your answer in the textbook (pages 38 to 42)... give reasons for your answer and be prepared to feedback.

3. Study the map on page 38 of the text book... 

  • a. Name a region of the world where the     population is mostly urbanised.
  • b. Which continent has the lowest proportion of urbanised populations? 
  • c. How urbanised is Europe? Give names of countries and data from the map to support your answer.
Check your book... 
  • titles? 
  • underlining? 
  • papers stuck in?

Hand In books: 

To mark Q 2 from prev + check presentation and organisation.

NL Set Up Russia Investigation (Paired scrapbook)... Treasury tags?

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